Wednesday, January 29, 2020
John Edwards Essay Example for Free
John Edwards Essay On the eve of Super Tuesday, there is one notable figure that is absent on the Democratic Ticket: John Edwards. To the dismay of some and to the delight of others, John Edwards recently dropped out of the Presidential Race. Edwards also ran in 2004 and was placed on the ticket with John Kerry who together, was narrowly beaten by George Bush and Dick Cheney that year. John Edwards did, during his run, attract a wide array of people who, never before, were interested in politics. There are many who believe that politicians who will only say what they believe will get them elected. John Edwards has been one of the few candidates who says what he believes and when he feels that he was on the wrong side of history, is quick to apologize for that vote. Some pundits would call that pandering but those who know John Edwards and those who have voted for him in the past and were planning on doing it again in the future, know the reality of the situation to be otherwise. It would then behoove those who find the democratic process in America fascinating and an example of the greatest example of representative democracy in the world, to explore one of the most successful candidates in modern American political history, who never became president but who had the voice of millions of Americans. John Edwards was born on June 10, 1953 in South Carolina. Upon entering college at Clemson University, Edwards was the first in his family to enroll in college. Edwards made the most of his time in college where he graduated with high honors and left Clemson with a degree in textile technology. It was also at this time where Edwards met and married Elizabeth Anania and together, had four children. Edwards has always had a close bond with his family and through his wife, Elizabeth, has found the strength to begin a life as a politician. Elizabeth Edwards, upon revealing that her cancer has come back and is indeed terminal, has become an inspiration to millions who admire her courage and/or have cancer themselves or have been affected by the deadly disease. They have not kept their struggle private but have instead voiced their experiences with the rest of the country. Focusing on Edwards’ career in the public forum: It first began in 1978 when Edwards became a lawyer at the law office of Dearborn Ewing. It soon became obvious that Edwards had a real talent for the law profession and soon was winning some of the highest settlements for his clients in North Carolina History which totaled more than $70 million. The most notable case occurred in 1997 when Edwards took the case of a family whose young daughter had been disemboweled by a pool company who failed, after being warned of the dangers, of placing protective covers on the highly powerful suctions which are used to keep the pool water clean. The family was awarded a $25 million settlement. (Pear, 2008 pg. 18) Edwards, the family said, was selected to be their lawyer, because he had accepted less than the standard 33% legal fee of the judgment if the family lost the case or the settlement was small. The case served as a stepping stone for Edwards as it eventually prompted him to seek political office. Edwards won election to the U. S. Senate in 1998 as a Democrat in a state that was once known as a strong hold for the Republican Party. Edwards helped to break that mold and would remain a senator from 1998 until 2005 when he would eventually vacate his seat to seek the presidential nomination from his party. During his time in the Senate, Edwards sponsored 203 bills. (Krugman, 2008 pg. 6) It was here that Edwards’ voting record was established and his beliefs on some of the most pressing and important issues of the day, were set in motion. Due to the fact that John Edwards dropped out of the race before â€Å"Super Tuesday†he does not have campaign headquarters in Illinois. The main site of his campaign headquarters was in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. During his campaign, his main form of advertisement was divided between radio ads, television ads and on the internet. With regard to the Internet, ads were placed on his own personal website: www. johnedwards. com, online ads could also be found on websites such as www. myspace. com and www. youtube. com as well as with what has become known as â€Å"blogs†or online editorials from both his staff, supporters and those within the general community who supported John Edwards and believed that he would be the best choice for the country’s next president. All of the above mentioned were concentrated on the mediums that people that lived in the primary states, were going to see it as it would have been fiscally unwise to advertise in Washington State, when any candidate first needed to have a favorable showing in the Iowa caucus or the New Hampshire primary for example. One of the most important issues facing America today, and which is brought up in every campaign and promises to remain a controversial issue, is the war in Iraq. Edwards, like Hillary Clinton, voted for the Iraq War Resolution, only to reverse their opinions. Edwards stated in October 2002, after 9/11 and before the war in Iraq began: â€Å"Almost no one disagrees with these basic facts: that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a menace; that he has weapons of mass destruction and that he is doing everything in his power to get nuclear weapons; that he has supported terrorists; that he is a grave threat to the region, to vital allies like Israel, and to the United States; and that he is thwarting the will of the international community and undermining the United Nations credibility. †(Washington Post, 2008 pg. ) Two years later, Edwards defended his vote by stating: â€Å"I would have voted for the resolution knowing what I know today, because it was the right thing to do to give the president the authority to confront Saddam Hussein I think Saddam Hussein was a very serious threat. I stand by that, and thats why [John Kerry and I] stand behind our vote on the resolution. †(Washington Post, 2008 pg. 2) It has been an issue that he later apologized as he officially changed` his mind on the issue. This has been viewed as weakness and pandering to some but has shown the human side of Edwards and humility. Many voters today are stating that the economy, to them, is the most important issue. This is understandable as many economists believe that a recession is coming, if she is not already here. Edwards advocated the rolling back of President Bush’s tax cuts which the Democrats perceived to be economic measures that are used only to benefit the rich. However, Edwards was in support of the President’s recent stimulus package which involves over $150 billion in rebate checks. The belief being that people will quickly place the money back into the economy which as an s results will help to avoid a further downward spiral of the economy. However, Edwards has differed from the president in the fact that he has called for the stimulus package to include rebates for the unemployed and uninsured; a wider range of individuals and people who, Edwards believes, deserves a larger share of the economic stimulus rebates. In the area of health care, Edwards has advocated that America follow the lead of Europe through the socialization of medicine. Edwards stated: â€Å"One of the reasons that I want to be President of the United States, is to make sure that every woman and every person in America, gets the same kind of things we have. John Edwards was commenting on this in reaction to the news that his wife’s cancer has come back with a redoubled vigor. Others who do not have the same financial abilities as the affluent Edwards family, can expect far inferior treatment. John Edwards seeks to change this. However, Edwards is careful to advocate universal health care and wants to show the difference between universal health care which most Americans want as opposed to socialism, which most people do not want. John Edwards has pledged to raise taxes $200 billion in order to pay for the program. Such sentiments raise a great deal of fear with those who believe in capitalism; the economic and social system that has given so much to America. If the aforementioned scare tactic were true, then one might have a credible reason for their objection. â€Å"There would be free choice of health care providers under a single payer universal health care system, unlike our current managed care system in which people are forced to see providers on the insurer’s panel to obtain medical benefits. Also, in regard to governmental involvement in universal health care, such fears are without merit. Taxes, fees and benefits would be decided by the insurer which would be under the control of a diverse board representing consumers, providers, business and government†¦ ‘The system would be run by a public trust, not the government. †(Krugman, 2008 pg. 3) John Edwards, like most Democrats, were critical of President Bush’s 2002 No Child Left Behind Act from its inception. Edwards agreed that the public school system is in deep trouble but states that NCLB does not go far enough â€Å"They didnt fund the mandates that they put on the schools all over this country. Thats one of the reasons 800 teachers have been laid off in Cleveland. 1/3 of our public schools are failing under the Bush administration. Half of African-Americans are dropping out of high school. Half of Hispanic-American is dropping out of high school. We have a clear plan to improve our public schools that starts with getting our best teachers into the schools where we need them the most by creating incentives for them to go there. †(Washington Post, 2008 pg. 7) Increased funding and a greater concentration on the reasons why students are failing instead of relying mostly on tests. That has been the emphasis of John Edwards’ view on education. John Edwards voted for the Patriot Act and had been rather hawkish at first, in Democratic terms, about the defense of the nation in this post 9/11 world. Edwards has been instrumental in the passage of The Biological and Chemical Weapons Preparedness Act. The bill, introduced by John Edwards with Chuck Hagel (`R-NE`), establishes a coordinated national plan for responding to biological and chemical weapons attacks and directs states to develop plans for dealing with such attacks. Edwards has also been hailed as a friend of the environment who has pushed for a greater government role in pursuing the reduction of emissions from some of the country’s biggest factories. The League of Conversation Voters has stated about Edwards: An excellent choice that sends a clear message about the need for change and renewed optimism in our nations leadership for conservation, public health, and other issues important to the American people, Yet another strong environmental leader [on] the Democratic presidential ticket, (Griscom, 2008 www. rist. org) This stance has helped Edwards to gain support from a wide array of the political spectrum and has resembled the Democratic Party’s renewed interest in the environment. During the 2008 Presidential Campaign, the Edwards camp raised more than $34 million and has spent $36 on campaigning, ads in Iowa and New Hampshire. He has ranked third behind Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in campaigning finance and has ranked t hird in the polls as well. Unfortunately, there has been for some time in American politics, a direct correlation between the amount of money raised and the votes that a particular candidate, whether Republican or Democrat can acquire. This has been the case for John Edwards who for the time being, has dropped out of the 2008 Presidential Campaign but who could emerge as a Vice Presidential Candidate as he did in 2004.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Ancient Greece Essay -- Ancient Greece Essays
Ancient Greece GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION The Ancient Greek civilization was located on today’s Greek land, Ionian Islands, Asia Minor, South Italy, and Sicily. It is surrounded by mountains and in the north by water. The Ionian and the Aegean seas, together with natural islands and bays, gave the Greeks the opportunety to develop their maritime commerce and their rich culture. The mountains, which surrounded Greece, gave us the picture of its political character. From early times, the Greeks lived in independet settlements, and they were isolated from one another. Later, this settelments grew up into â€Å"poles†or city-states. The Mediteranien Sea moderates Greeks climate  cooling air in summer and warmth in winter period. Summers are generaly hot and dry, and winters are mild and rainy in costal regions. In mountain region winters are stronger. GREEK’S HISTORY The Greek civilization has made great contributions in many areas to western society. Greeks scientists made revolutionary discoveries in medicine, mathematics, physics and astronomy. They also developed the expression of individuality. Those are only some reasons why the Greek civilization was and still is one of the most important civilizations in the world. TIME PERIODS 1. PROTOGEOMETRIC STYLE (1100-900 BC) The protogeometric period is time of economic and cultural depression. The depths of this depression occurred from circa 1100 to 1050 BC. This period is also known as the Sub  Mycenean period on the Greek mainland, and Minoan period on the island of Crete. Contribution made by the Minoan and Mycenean Empire to the creation of the Greek civilization, helped them to develop their own Empire. The use of iron and the cremation of the dead became the greatest progress in Greek civilization. The urns for the ashes are among the most characteristic vessels of that period. 2. THE GEOMETRIC PERIOD (900-700 BC) This period, the Geometric period, is well known by many transformations and startling innovation in Greek architecture and sculpture. The population has increased, and people have moved from the isolated settlements to the city  states. The Greeks also moved to the new teritories to the east, and to the west. In that, new-concured teritories, the Greeks founded commercial trading posts and colonies. Also in this period, new script was adopted  the Semtic alpha... ... of workers, usually slaves or free people who were very poor. Those activities required a broad range of skills - the stone, clay and metal trades, sculptures, potters, painters; the clothing industry; the leather trade, tanners and cobblers; construction, stone cutters, carpenters; maritime transport, ship building, food production and many others. RELIGION The ancient Greeks were very religious people. They were poligamics, and they believed that a certain god shows up in a human form. In the Greek art, especially on the vases, many scenes with gods were illustrated. For people of the ancient Grrek, many gods usually had the affair with the usual man. This is even written in some myths, and the result of that event was that many demi-gods appeared. Sarcifices were the gifts for their gods. There were two types of sarcifices  the bloodless (roots, cereal grains, fruits, cheese), and blood-offerings (animals, birds and fish). The Greeks housed their gods in temples, which were often enclosed by the walls. In the inside of the temples, big statues of their gods were exposed. When the ceremony took place, those statues were even bathed, clothed and symbolicayy fed. Ancient Greece Essay -- Ancient Greece Essays Ancient Greece GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION The Ancient Greek civilization was located on today’s Greek land, Ionian Islands, Asia Minor, South Italy, and Sicily. It is surrounded by mountains and in the north by water. The Ionian and the Aegean seas, together with natural islands and bays, gave the Greeks the opportunety to develop their maritime commerce and their rich culture. The mountains, which surrounded Greece, gave us the picture of its political character. From early times, the Greeks lived in independet settlements, and they were isolated from one another. Later, this settelments grew up into â€Å"poles†or city-states. The Mediteranien Sea moderates Greeks climate  cooling air in summer and warmth in winter period. Summers are generaly hot and dry, and winters are mild and rainy in costal regions. In mountain region winters are stronger. GREEK’S HISTORY The Greek civilization has made great contributions in many areas to western society. Greeks scientists made revolutionary discoveries in medicine, mathematics, physics and astronomy. They also developed the expression of individuality. Those are only some reasons why the Greek civilization was and still is one of the most important civilizations in the world. TIME PERIODS 1. PROTOGEOMETRIC STYLE (1100-900 BC) The protogeometric period is time of economic and cultural depression. The depths of this depression occurred from circa 1100 to 1050 BC. This period is also known as the Sub  Mycenean period on the Greek mainland, and Minoan period on the island of Crete. Contribution made by the Minoan and Mycenean Empire to the creation of the Greek civilization, helped them to develop their own Empire. The use of iron and the cremation of the dead became the greatest progress in Greek civilization. The urns for the ashes are among the most characteristic vessels of that period. 2. THE GEOMETRIC PERIOD (900-700 BC) This period, the Geometric period, is well known by many transformations and startling innovation in Greek architecture and sculpture. The population has increased, and people have moved from the isolated settlements to the city  states. The Greeks also moved to the new teritories to the east, and to the west. In that, new-concured teritories, the Greeks founded commercial trading posts and colonies. Also in this period, new script was adopted  the Semtic alpha... ... of workers, usually slaves or free people who were very poor. Those activities required a broad range of skills - the stone, clay and metal trades, sculptures, potters, painters; the clothing industry; the leather trade, tanners and cobblers; construction, stone cutters, carpenters; maritime transport, ship building, food production and many others. RELIGION The ancient Greeks were very religious people. They were poligamics, and they believed that a certain god shows up in a human form. In the Greek art, especially on the vases, many scenes with gods were illustrated. For people of the ancient Grrek, many gods usually had the affair with the usual man. This is even written in some myths, and the result of that event was that many demi-gods appeared. Sarcifices were the gifts for their gods. There were two types of sarcifices  the bloodless (roots, cereal grains, fruits, cheese), and blood-offerings (animals, birds and fish). The Greeks housed their gods in temples, which were often enclosed by the walls. In the inside of the temples, big statues of their gods were exposed. When the ceremony took place, those statues were even bathed, clothed and symbolicayy fed.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Raising Our Native Sons Essay
During the modern era, there was an overwhelming sense of optimism due to the nation’s booming economy. There was a generalization that any citizen could work hard and become successful. However, this was not always the case in American society. Not everyone was given equal opportunity to thrive and succeed. This struggle was expressed in various literary works. In is novel Native Son, Richard Wright uses symbolism and irony to attack race issues and oppression in order to suggest that African Americans should have equal opportunity as whites. Throughout the novel, the protagonist, Bigger Thomas faces persecution and mistreatment simply because of the color of his skin. This racism appears early in the novel when a rat is encountered in his apartment. Bigger’s mother is disgusted by the gross creature she finds wandering in the family’s apartment. She proclaims her disgust and fear of the rat by saying, â€Å"Lord, Lord, have mercy†¦ that sonofabitch could cut your throat†(10). Through this duologue, the readers realize the harsh treatment and attitude the rat is receiving from Bigger’s family. They are scared and afraid of the rat, even though it means no harm and is merely trying to surviving with the living conditions it has been given. This demonstrates the overall racism towards blacks throughout the book as they are treated poorly and set up to fail. Like the rat, they are considered the lowest of the low who scavenge off others to survive. They are treated as a threat that only causes harm and need to be rid of. Also, Bigger faces racism head on at home. When playing with his friends, they â€Å"play white†. This game attempts to imitate the way whites act in society. During this game, Bigger and his friends unknowingly play out the white people has having superior power over the whites. This demonstrates that the racism is engraved into their heads, even at a young age. This sets them up to fail from a young age by starting them off as knowing that they are considered inferior to the white people. As the book continues, Bigger’s story becomes a point of attention in the south side of Chicago. The newspaper reporters are gathered around preparing to write an article on Bigger’s recent crime. They are collaborating with each other in order to create the best story possible. One of the reporters says, â€Å"I’m slanting to the primitive negro who doesn’t want to be disturbed by white civilization.†The conversation continues with another reporter saying, â€Å"mention his foreign sounding name†(201). The reporters are bouncing ideas off each other in order to write the best story for the readers. They mention how they are going to purposely define Bigger as a member of the African American community. This simple dialogue represents a much larger meaning within the novel. The reporters immediately turn to race in order to demonize Bigger. They call him â€Å"primitive†and point out his name in an attempt to dissociate him from white society. This display of racism conveys the treatment of African Americans as outcasts of mainstream society. In addition to this, the media is only aiding in the continued validity of this stereotype. The more the media portrays blacks as animals and creatures, the more they are attacked by mainstream white society. As a result of this, the blacks are suppressed more and more, causing them to become more and more desperate. This vicious cycle of racism and oppression is ongoing as society feeds off the harsh portrayal of African Americans by the news outlets. Wright brings attention to the overwhelming effect that oppression can have on an individual or group. Bigger is continuously oppressed throughout his life. After attempting to escape from the police, Bigger is captured and brought down to the street from a rooftop. He was dragged down the stairs with his head banging on every step. He found himself lying on his back in the snow, pinned down by his wrists and surrounded by a circle of this faces. The angry crowd shouts at Bigger. Roars from the crowd include, â€Å"Kill ‘im†¦ Lynch ‘im†¦ Kill that ape!†(253). The crowd is angry at the black man who has caused so much trouble to the white folk. When they finally capture him, they all seem to unite as one when shouting insults as if they have has a triumph by holding down this young black man. This unity represented the overpowering superiority of white society over that of the blacks. Although each individual is their own person and saying their own comments, all Bigger sees and hears is an overbearing common force. To Bigger, he does not see the individuality in each white person; he sees them as all members of the same group all with a common goal of suppressing his dreams. In addition to seeing all whites as a blanket of oppression, he is almost shameful of himself when around them. While sitting in an interview, he sits in Mr. Dalton’s office with him. Bigger enters the room and does not make eye contact. He stands in a corner with his head down, being careful not to make eye contact with Mr. Dalton. Bigger knows the role that he has in society as well as the room. He is careful to not do anything to upset the white man for fear of potential punishment. This shame is built off the fact that he has been repetitively told and taught that he is inferior. This repeated oppression leads Bigger to act differently around white people, further placing him in to the mold of a non-productive member of society. Bigger feels as if he has been able to make very few decisions for himself his entire life. This suppression was put on him right from the start. Once he realizes his fate and is sitting on his cot, he thinks back on his life. He had always lived with the premonition that he would be sentenced to the electric chair. Once this becomes a reality, Bigger feels a sense of freedom that he has never felt before. He wonders to himself why he â€Å"put himself into the shadow of the electric chair only to find out this? Had he been blind all along? But there was no way to tell now. It was too late†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (335). He realizes that he lived his entire life under the shadow of fear of the electric chair. Once he realizes that he is actually doomed for the chair, he assumes that he should live his live with complete freedom with the remaining days he has left. He concludes, however, that it is too late to live with freedom since he wasted all of his previous days under the shadow. This shadow of oppression holds him back from living freely because he knows that his skin color limits his chances to succeed in life. Furthermore, Bigger can make choices that will only dig him deeper into a hole he cannot escape from. After lashing out and committing a murder, Bigger expresses his feelings that he has a sense of power for the first time in his life. By committing this murder, he has broken away from the limitations being placed on him. Although it was negative, he could not be stopped because he was not assumed to be capable of such a crime. This demonstrates that the oppressed are subject to hostility and more likely to lash out due to the poor treatment and lack of individual freedoms. By using irony and symbolism, Richard Wright brings light to the issue of race and oppression in America. He attempts to convey that blacks and white should be given equal opportunity to succeed. Wright believes that African Americans are placed into a mold of failure, one that they cannot escape. The title â€Å"Native Son†suggests something about the treatment of the generation of young men we are raising in our country. All of our â€Å"Native Sons†, no matter what race, should be treated equally and be given ample opportunity to succeed.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Objetos prohibidos en equipaje de mano en aviones USA
En Estados Unidos, la Administracià ³n de Seguridad en el Transporte (TSA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) es la agencia encargada de examinar en los aeropuertos a pasajeros y sus equipajes y sus oficiales los que tienen la à ºltima palabra sobre quà © se permite embarcar en el equipaje de mano. Las normas cambian frecuentemente, teniendo en cuenta esa advertencia, decir que en este artà culo se informa sobre cuà ¡les son las reglas en el momento de escribir este artà culo y que aplican a los vuelos domà ©sticos dentro de Estados Unidos y sus territorios, como Puerto Rico. Casi siempre son las mismas que aplican en los vuelos que despegan desde los aeropuertos en EE.UU y en los que se dirigen desde otro paà s hacia dichos aeropuertos. Sin embargo, hay excepciones como el caso de ganchillos y agujas de calcetar, conocidas en algunos paà ses como agujas de punto. Para mayor claridad, se ha estructurado la informacià ³n segà ºn el tipo de objetos. Cuidado personal en forma de là quidos, aerosoles y geles Se puede subir al avià ³n là quidos, aerosoles y geles en botellas con una cantidad inferior a 3.4 onzas (100ml). Se aconseja que todos estos artà culos se coloquen en una bolsa de plà ¡stico transparente de tamaà ±o de un cuarto que cierre con cremallera. Tener en cuenta que solamente se permite una bolsa por pasajero, lo cual es una forma de limitar el total de là quido abordo y evitar que los pasajeros lleven cantidades mayores a las permitas repartidas en varias botellas. Es recomendable que al llegar al control de rayos-x colocar la bolsa transparente que contiene esos artà culos en una bandeja, para facilitar asà la labor de los oficiales de la TSA. Si se desea llevar mà ¡s cantidad porque se hace un viaje largo, colocar el là quido, gel o aerosol en las maletas que viajan como cargo. Por à ºltimo, tener en consideracià ³n que los aerosoles sà ³lo se permiten en cantidades muy limitadas y cuando son para uso de cuidado personal. En todos los demà ¡s casos se consideran como un peligro y ni pueden embarcarse ni guardarse en las maletas de cargo. Artà culos electrà ³nicos Estas son las reglas: En primer lugar, si se lleva un artà culo electrà ³nico, asegurarse de retirar de su interior CDs, cassettes o DVDs, antes de pasar el control de seguridad En segundo lugar, las computadoras personales (conocidas tambià ©n por su nombre en inglà ©s de laptop), las consolas de videojuegos y los aparatos de reproduccià ³n de DVD deben sacarse de sus cajas o bolsas para pasar por el control de rayos-x. Aunque se trate de artà culos permitidos, los oficiales de la TSA pueden impedir que se suba al avià ³n si parece que han sido alterados o que pueden ser un peligro. Armas y municià ³n En los vuelos internos està ¡ prohibido subirlas al avià ³n. Si se tiene la debida licencia se puede transportar en las maletas que viajan en cargo. Comidas para bebà ©s Se permite en cantidades razonables. Declarar estos artà culos al llegar al control de rayos-x. Comidas y bebidas para adultos No pueden superar los 3.4 onzas (100 ml). La excepcià ³n son las bebidas alcohà ³licas, ya que se permite un mà ¡ximo de 3 onzas, si bien si se compraron despuà ©s de pasar el control de seguridad se permite que se suban al avià ³n. Asimismo, se pueden llevar tortas (cakes/pies), pero serà ¡n sujetos a la debida inspeccià ³n. En los viajes desde otro paà s hacia los Estados Unidos deben seguirse reglas estrictas con respecto a los alimentos, tanto en equipaje de mano como el de cargo. Instrumentos musicales La TSA permite 1 instrumento por persona. Pero verificar con la aerolà nea. En los vuelos internacionales, habà a que dar especial atencià ³n al material, ya que si tiene marfil en alguno de sus componentes podrà a haber serios problemas. Sin embargo, recientemente se llegà ³ a la conclusià ³n de que el marfil en instrumentos no contribuà a a la matanza de elefantes para sacarles el marfil. Por lo tanto, si la cantidad de marfil es pequeà ±a, no hay problemas. Aunque no hay una cantidad predeterminada, se considera que menos de 200 gr de marfil en un instrumento no darà a lugar a problemas. Medicamentos y objetos necesarios en caso de necesidades especiales Los medicamentos deben estar en su envase original en el que se muestre su nombre en una etiqueta profesional y el nombre de la farmacà ©utica. Ademà ¡s, si se trata de medicamentos sujetos a prescripcià ³n mà ©dica, como por ejemplo los antibià ³ticos, hay que llevar la receta. Este punto es importante porque se trata de sustancias controladas y su posesià ³n sin receta puede dar lugar a graves problemas. Si la medicina està ¡ en forma là quida se puede superar los 100 ml (3.4 onzas) siempre que sea una cantidad razonable que deba utilizarse durante el vuelo. Notificar al oficial de la TSA al llegar al punto de control que se lleva ese là quido. En cuanto a objetos como muletas o sillas de ruedas, pasarà ¡n por un control. Cerillas y encendedores Se puede subir un encendedor cargado al avià ³n y tambià ©n una caja de cerillas, excepto si à ©stas son las que se pueden encender en contacto con cualquier tipo de superficie. Como curiosidad decir que, por el contrario, no se puede guardar en las valijas del equipaje que no suben a bordo ningà ºn tipo de cerillas y que casi todos los encendedores està ¡n prohibidos asà como las recargas. Objetos agudos como tijeras, agujas o ganchillos Està ¡ prohibido subirlos al avià ³n, excepto tijeras con cuchillas de tamaà ±o inferior a 4 pulgadas. En cuanto a las agujas de calcetar o ganchillos, està ¡n permitidos en vuelos domà ©sticos dentro de Estados Unidos, pero se aconseja que sean de madera o plà ¡stico. En los vuelos internacionales hacia Estados Unidos deben viajar facturados en cargo. Herramientas Se pueden llevar desatornilladores, llaves y alicates, pero debidamente cubiertos para evitar accidentes y siempre que medidos a lo largo no excedan de las 7 pulgadas. Regalos envueltos en papel No està ¡n prohibidos, pero el oficial de la TSA puede retirar el papel si considera que procede inspeccionar con mayor detenimiento. Otros artà culos permitidos a bordo caà ±as de pescarAgujas de calcetar o de coserpelotas de fà ºtbol (soccer), baloncesto, bà ©isbol, etc. Artà culos prohibidos Bates de bà ©isbol, palos de hockey, palos de billar o de golf Mascotas Preguntar a la là nea aà ©rea pero generalmente pueden volar en cabina mascotas de poco tamaà ±o y peso. Lo que sà hay que respetar son las reglas que regulan su ingreso a los Estados Unidos en el caso de vuelos internacionales. A tener en cuenta Si se viaja con joyas o una cantidad de dinero importante se puede solicitar al oficial de la TSA una inspeccià ³n privada, respetando los là mites en vuelos internacionales. Si se viaja con una animal de compaà ±Ãƒ a porque se sufre una incapacidad, por ejemplo, se es ciego y se lleva perro guà a, entonces hay que probar la identidad del animal y debe de llevar arnà ©s. En caso de duda, verificar siempre con la pà ¡gina oficial de Transportation Security Administration o llamar gratis al 1-866-289-9673 o escribir un correo electrà ³nico a Por à ºltimo, asegurarse de tener documentacià ³n que permite embarcar, incluso en los vuelos domà ©sticos. Puntos clave Puede llevarse en equipaje de mano en avià ³n là quidos y geles en cantidad inferior a 100 ml.Los artà culos electrà ³nicos deben sacarse de sus cajasLos medicamentos se suben a cabina en envase original y con prescripcià ³n mà ©dica (si aplica)Los oficiales de la TSA pueden exigir quitar el papel de regalo de un objeto. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal
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