Friday, December 27, 2019
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Marketing Analysis Brand Community - 1487 Words
A structured set of people from different geographical background with the craving for a particular brand or product is termed as brand community. In the past people were categorised by their occupation, religion, language and ethnic backgrounds, whereas at present people are distinguished by what they buy and what they are capable of buying. The market must be analysed to strategic brand management due to the dynamics of consumption, individualization as well satisfy collective identity of brand community. Ethnography no longer differentiates people who have a predilection for a brand in common. The brand communities’ exhibits shared sense of responsibility in brand building apart from the marketing strategies initially made by the†¦show more content†¦Content: The dawn of 20th century is the initiation of production of goods and services which were consumer focussed, instead of the usual trend of mass production. Due to economic growth and diversified consumerism, there arises a need for the manufacturers to give additional products of to the market for their survival while still retaining their so called â€Å"BRAND†name. Knowledge of the brand communities assists manufacturers preceding the launch of new products so as to retain the positive attitude towards the product and brand as a whole. The influence of brand has grown to the extent that even in accounting there is value allotted for intangibles like goodwill of a company, which mostly contributes to the brand name. Consumers are happy to pay more to get more sophisticated products to blend in the community than left aloof. More brand oriented groups are evident; credit goes to the social media which is prevalent and influential around the globe and contributes to the growin g consumer base of reputed brands like Apple, Microsoft, Harvey Davidson motorcycle, etc. (Stratton Northcote, 2014) Communities form around brand instead of symbol around community, imparting an implication and understanding between brand owner and consumers. The brand community also depend on symbolic construction; fantasy literatures; support for sporting teams; to indicate few of
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Essay about World War 1 Causes and Effects Example For Students
Essay about World War 1 Causes and Effects Needless to say, one of the most serious conflicts that occurred during the past century is definitely World War I. The most of European countries were involved in the conflict. To understand the history and significance of World War I, this argumentative essay will trace its deeper causes and effects. Outline1 Militarism2 Imperialism3 Alliances4 Effects of WW1 Militarism The first serious cause that led to the beginning of the Great War was militarism. Generally, the notion of militarism can be defined as a nations capability to participate in a war. Just before the War, most countries from Europe started to enhance their military potential to be able to defend themselves in the time of need. For example, history tells that Germany and France became the competitors and did everything possible to enhance their forces to become superior to others. As might be expected, it resulted later in the countries involvement in the Great War that started in 1914. It also needs to be mentioned that militarism was greatly developed in Great Britain as the country had the largest navy among other nations.  Therefore, it becomes evident that Great Britain was on standby, and could be ready if needed to begin the war in a short time. Hence, Germany believed that British military forces are a significant threat to peace all over the world. In turn, Germany was really afraid of Great Britain and felt insecure about the state of its navy. Therefore, in response to the potential threat, Germany presented its battleship and did everything possible to restrict the power of Great Britain. Overall, there are no doubts that the military competitions that existed between the European countries, including Germany, France, Italy, and Great Britain, encouraged the nations to enter the Great War. Imperialism Another cause of the Great War became imperialism that took place in the 1800s. The historians Fitzgerald, Pickard, and Stewart believe that the most apparent examples of the fact that imperialism has a direct connection with War I are Two Moroccan Crises. Although Morocco was a French colony, Germany wanted to make it free from France. The main reason for that is that Germany was seeking new alliances and had a plan to gain Moroccan assistance. Undoubtedly, France did not like the German interventions, and, as a result, there occurred the conflict between these two nations. In addition to this, there were implemented numerous imperialist campaigns against the African areas that greatly contributed to the beginning of the Great War as they intensified competitions between the European countries. As Fitzgerald, Pickard, and Stewart state, for many years the world leaders were fighting mainly for obtaining additional land and resources to become world superpowers. Alliances One more serious cause that is believed to contribute greatly to the beginning of the Great War was the alliance system. In fact, this cause is the long-term notion that existed in the last years before the War.  First of all, it contributed to tense relationships between the nations-participants. When the war took place, European countries were divided into two alliances systems, and the countries of each alliance were ready to provide help for one another in the time of need. The event that grew into the confrontation between the countries of the alliances was the conflict between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Besides, it should be mentioned that because of the rise of Panslavism movement that was highly supported by Russian Empire and promoted the idea that all nations speaking Slavic languages should be a single nation the initiated by the Russian Empire, the Serbians felt the hazard and wanted their independence. Consequently, the relationship between the nations in the Balkans became especially tense, and many countries have got a negative relation to Russia. Hence, there are no doubts that the alliance systems that took place before World War I required countries to start the war in order to protect their allies. Besides, the alliance systems make such countries as France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia, and Italy involved in the Great War, literally getting the hook. .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082 , .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082 .postImageUrl , .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082 , .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082:hover , .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082:visited , .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082:active { border:0!important; } .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082:active , .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082 .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u32f4385fd8415f5a75dfc77378ed8082:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: peer pressure EssayEffects of WW1 First, the War resulted in the major shifts in the political, social, and technological spheres of life. As far as political consequences are concerned, World War I contributed to the end of the federal order and created the ground for further revolutions in many countries. The thesis already has a variety of illustrations. In addition to this, the war contributed to the social shift as a great number of women started to work, and the place of females in society was changed. After overcoming the prolonged and sustained bloodshed and self-destruction, the nation realized what does it means to be a socially responsible person. Especially it was in Austria-Hungary, where nearly 500 000 individuals have died because of famine, cold, and different epidemics brought by the war. As far as the technological sphere is concerned, in short, the Great War led to the development of technologies. Besides, in terms of technological causes, it greatly improved the infrastructure and spread electrici ty. In conclusion, one more effect of the Great War is that it left many unresolved issues that later made World War II inevitable.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Water1 Essay Example For Students
Water1 Essay WATER THE LIQUID OF LIFE, HOW CAN WE SAVE ITWater, H2O (-* H+ +OH- hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion. These ions participate in many important biochemical reactions. Ann Christensen,Arizona Biology Network). The most basic and most needed building block of life. It is also one of the most important, because there is no way we can live without it. If tomorrow all the fossil fuel in the world ran out, we could go any number of ways, but if the water all the water ran out tomorrow. We would be in a whole lot of trouble. With out water there would simply be now life on this planet. From the time the water of this planet started to cool the compounds we have today were forming. At about 3.55-4.55 billion years ago (scientist still can not agree stating the volatile condition of are young planet at the time due to volcanoes, earthquakes, comets, and asteroids. But when ever the first life form appeared which was cyanobacteria. The orinism was cyanobacteria a unicelluerl life form, from it cam e many other life forms, I do not know enough about the theory of the origins of life to go into further detail. We will write a custom essay on Water1 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Lets look at the way water gets to us. Lets look at its history, its evolution, and its present form today. As early as the ancient Romans waste control has been around though in rudimentary ways. Later during the Middle Ages cesspools and privy vaults were developed, when they were full the first sanitary workers came and emptied them at the owners expanse. Then onto the 19th and 20th centuries, were vast advances have been made from running water to indoor plumbing, we no longer through trash and refuge into the streets, (during the last few centuries that was one of the major causes of epidemics and deises). We can get water from several sources not all will be clean and safe to drink but they are there. While the United States of America has an abundeced of fresh water (clean drinkable water) that is not true for the rest of the world. Many places rely on aquifers that stores groundwater say a desert where there is rarely any water. And in places with presicis little space for fa rming underground water stores are a godsend to the farmers. An aquifer can be a confined space or an unconfined space. A confined aquifer is between two layers of rock, and is at a high pressure making it a perfect choice for a well. Water, what do we do with it, to it, and for it? Water has an innumerable amount of uses in all facets of life, from bathing, to drinking, playing in, cooking with, or any other manner it can be used in. But in using water we also make it dirty. Clean water, seeing how 97% of the water that covers the earth is contaminated in some way, clean is a relative term. Is it little wonder that sense the beginning of time people have flocked around, and built grand cities around major water ways, new Orleans is a great example. And when people gather, so are there those that wish to control them through force, poisoning a main well as treacherous as it sounds was a tactic used regularly in the before, during and after the dark ages. What my experiment was meant to show. By doing this experiment I was hoping to gain more information on the plight are world suffers, the plight that a country such as the U.S. has an abundance of water, but much of it is not drinkable. To put in perspective the usage of water in the United States of America, as of 1995, American citizens were using:Thermoelectric less then 1% percentAnd all that came from 402,00 million gallons per day (as of the 1995 U.S. DOI report, Bruce Babbitt secretary). But what is all that water used for? Over the last decades we have developed more and more machines that require large amounts of water to cool them and keep them from over heating, that is just one of the industrial sectors applications of water, there are many, many other means of using water, like one that I learned of in the course of my studies was that water is used in mining for such things as separating minerals to dust collection. After usage this water passes through a purification plant which is were I had my tests cond ucted because I wanted them to be as accurate as possible. The readings were as follows:As you can see from the diagram Bottled water is the best choice to drink. This is what I thought would happen. seeing how bottled water sets for a long while before selling it is able to settle which helps the water. I hope this expariment ahs been as instiful to you as it has been to me, I have learned many things about the water process I did not know when I first started, till now I did not know that lime was added as a chemical into the water we drink every day. Things like that is what gives me my love for science, little facts like that. .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45 , .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45 .postImageUrl , .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45 , .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45:hover , .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45:visited , .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45:active { border:0!important; } .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45:active , .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45 .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u46e69fba1a7eeececd6913daa3af1e45:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: What Is Affirmative Action EssayBibliography:
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Light And The Glory Essays - Stamp Act, Quartering Acts,
Light And The Glory The Light and the Glory The United States Constitution has been the bedrock for the longest lasting government in all history. Why is it that our constitution still exists after more than two hundred years? Is it the incredible minds of those that framed it, or is it something else? In 1620, the Pilgrims departed from Holland and set out for America. Ten years later, they were followed by the Puritans. The Puritans and the Pilgrims experienced incredible hardships, which forced their reliance on God. There was little to eat, and shelter was no more than an uninsulated log cabin. As new generations grew up, they began to learn how to grow and harvest crops, which supplied them with plenty to eat, and comfortable lives. They did not have to depend on God for their survival. Gradually, as the people strayed further away from God, there began to be witchcraft and many people with no moral standards at all. These once godly people had forgotten how God had miraculously provided for their grandparents. By the mid 1700's, America was in desperate need of a revival. This burden was laid on a man's heart whose name was Jonathan Edwards. Jonathan Edwards, a graduate of Yale at seventeen, began and sustained a revival that changed the course of American history. Along with George Whitefield and countless other circuit riding preachers, Jonathan Edwards brought America down on her knees before God in repentance. America was indeed a new nation. It was about this time that America began to view itself as one nation, not just a handful of independent colonies. The only problem was that the Americans were not the only ones who had settled in the New World. They were bordered on the north and west by the French and on the south by the Spanish. If anyone attempted to settle on the west side of the Appalachian Mountains, chances of survival were slim because of hostile Indians and cruel French trappers. America was far from having enough manpower to take on the French all by themselves. When King George III realized that his prized possession, the American colonies, was in danger of being taken over by the French, he sent troops to push the French- American boundary line deeper into the interior of the continent. This turned into an all out war known as the French and Indian War. Although the beginning of the war favored the French, the British eventually became successful in setting the French-American boundary well past the Appalachian Mountains. Along with the ?Great Awakening,? the French and Indian War would be another turning point in American history because the colonists now realized that they were capable of building an army. The war also unveiled future heroes such as George Washington. Most of all, it brought the colonies together in unity. Relations were now beginning to change between the colonies and England. The colonists ?were beginning to regard themselves as Americans rather than Englishmen.? The colonies were now on a much higher spiritual level than England. King George again realized that his prize possession was in danger of being lost. However, this time it was the colonists themselves that were the threat. To stop the growing rebellion in America, George III appointed a new prime minister George Grenville. Grenville decided to tighten England's control of the colonial settlement past the Appalachian Mountains. This would result in the ?Proclamation of 1763? which canceled all the land grants given to the colonies in the past by other kings and parliaments. He also laid new taxes on the colonists that violated their rights because the colonists had no representatives in the English parliament. The ?Stamp Act? and the ?Quartering Act? were just a few of the burdens that Grenville laid on the colonists. William Pitt and Edmund Burke were two men in the English parliament who encouraged Grenville to lift the tariffs and taxes. When Grenville arrogantly refused to lift any of the tariffs or taxes, it was one of the most costly mistakes he would ever make. Burdensome taxes were enraging the colonists. They did owe England a war debt of 37,000,000 dollars, but the ?Quartering Act? had nothing to do with paying money
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Complete Guide Which Schools Use the Common Application
Complete Guide Which Schools Use the Common Application SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you applying to college soon? If so, you’ve probably heard of the Common Application- an online application you can use for more than 800 colleges. Since you only have to fill out one application, it saves you time when applying to college. But which colleges use the Common Application? And which Common Application schools are in your state? We have a complete list here, broken down by state and updated for the 2019-20 academic year. What Is the Common Application? The Common Application is a college application shared by its member colleges. Member colleges then accept this application from prospective students. So what does this mean for you? Instead of filling out an individual application for each school, all you have to do is fill out the Common Application once and send it to whichever colleges you want to apply to that accept it. However, this doesn’t mean you can apply to dozens of colleges with the click of a button. Many colleges have additional supplements you have to submit. These are forms with additional questions and sometimes an extra essay. Furthermore, most colleges have application fees, so you can’t apply to hundreds of schools- unless, of course, you have a lot of money to burn! Finally, the Common Application only accepts colleges that use a holistic review process. In other words, Common Application colleges look at each applicant as a whole, taking into account grades, SAT/ACT scores, essays, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, etc. Because of this, all of these components are part of the Common Application. (However, the essay isno longer required for all schools.) // Who Uses the Common Application? More than 800 colleges use the Common Application! At least one college in every state accepts it, with the exception of North Dakota. In addition, more than 50 international universities from 18 countries accept the Common Application. While the Common Application is used by many private universities, some public school systems, including many schools in the State University of New York (SUNY) system, accept it as well. However, you should be aware that public schools tend to have their own application systems. Lastly, the Common Application is accepted by the following top colleges and universities: All eight Ivy League schools(Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale) Many other highly selective schools, including Stanford, the University of Chicago, Caltech, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, and Rice Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Complete List of Common Application Members Without further delay, here is the complete list of colleges that use the Common Application. The first list is organized alphabetically by state/region for US universities, while the second list is organized alphabetically by country for international schools. If you're wondering whether a particular school uses the Common Application, you can search for it on this page by using the ctrl + F function. Common Application Members by US State/Territory The following list contains all Common Application members within the US (states and territories). Alabama Birmingham-Southern College Samford University Spring Hill College University of Alabama at Birmingham University of South Alabama Alaska Alaska Pacific University Arizona Arizona State University Benedictine University Prescott College University of Arizona Arkansas Hendrix College Lyon College California AMDA College and Conservatory of the Performing Arts California College of the Arts California Institute of Technology (Caltech) California Lutheran University Chapman University Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science Claremont McKenna College Columbia College Hollywood Concordia University Irvine The Culinary Institute of America Dharma Realm Buddhist University Dominican University of California Harvey Mudd College Holy Names University Loyola Marymount University Marymount California University Menlo College Mills College Minerva Schools at KGI Mount Saint Mary's University, Los Angeles Notre Dame de Namur University Occidental College Otis College of Art and Design Pepperdine University Pitzer College Point Loma Nazarene University Pomona College Saint Mary's College of California Santa Clara University Scripps College Soka University of America Southern California Institute of Architecture Stanford University University of La Verne University of the Pacific University of Redlands University of San Diego University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of the West Westmont College Whittier College Woodbury University Colorado Colorado College Colorado State University Johnson Wales University- Denver Naropa University Regis University University of Colorado Boulder University of Denver University of Northern Colorado Western Colorado University Connecticut Albertus Magnus College Central Connecticut State University Connecticut College Eastern Connecticut State University Fairfield University Mitchell College Quinnipiac University Sacred Heart University Southern Connecticut State University Trinity College University of Bridgeport University of Connecticut University of Hartford University of New Haven University of Saint Joseph Wesleyan University Western Connecticut State University Yale University Delaware University of Delaware District ofColumbia American University The Catholic University of America The George Washington University Howard University Trinity Washington University Florida Ave Maria University Barry University Eckerd College Flagler College Florida Institute of Technology Florida Polytechnic University Florida Southern College Florida State University Jacksonville University Johnson Wales University- North Miami Keiser University Flagship Campus- West Palm Beach Lynn University New College of Florida Nova Southeastern University Ringling College of Art and Design Rollins College Saint Leo University St. Thomas University Stetson University University of Central Florida University of Miami University of North Florida University of Tampa University of West Florida Webber International University Wilkes Honors College of FAU Georgia Agnes Scott College Berry College Brenau University Clark Atlanta University Emmanuel College Emory University Georgia College Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) Georgia State University Mercer University Morehouse College Oglethorpe University Piedmont College Savannah College of Art and Design Spelman College Hawaii Chaminade University of Honolulu Hawai'i Pacific University Idaho The College of Idaho Northwest Nazarene University University of Idaho Illinois Augustana College Benedictine University Bradley University Chicago State University Columbia College Chicago Concordia University Chicago DePaul University Flashpoint Chicago, A Campus of Columbia College Hollywood Illinois College Illinois Institute of Technology Illinois Wesleyan University Knox College Lake Forest College Lewis University MacMurray College McKendree University Millikin University Monmouth College North Park University Northwestern University Principia College Quincy University Saint Xavier University School of the Art Institute of Chicago Trinity Christian College University of Chicago University of Illinois at Chicago University of St. Francis Wheaton College Indiana Anderson University Butler University DePauw University Earlham College Franklin College Goshen College Hanover College Holy Cross College Indiana University Bloomington Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) Manchester University Purdue University Purdue University Fort Wayne Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Saint Mary's College of Indiana Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College Trine University University of Evansville University of Indianapolis University of Notre Dame University of Saint Francis- Fort Wayne Valparaiso University Wabash College Iowa Coe College Cornell College Drake University Grinnell College Luther College Morningside College Simpson College St. Ambrose University University of Dubuque University of Iowa University of Northern Iowa Upper Iowa University Wartburg College Kansas Benedictine College McPherson College University of Kansas Kentucky Asbury University Bellarmine University Centre College Eastern Kentucky University Transylvania University University of Kentucky Louisiana Centenary College of Louisiana Dillard University Louisiana State University AM- Baton Rouge Loyola University New Orleans Tulane University University of New Orleans Xavier University of Louisiana Maine Bates College Bowdoin College Colby College College of the Atlantic Husson University Maine College of Art Maine Maritime Academy Saint Joseph's College of Maine Thomas College Unity College University of Maine University of Maine at Farmington University of Maine at Fort Kent University of Maine at Machias University of Maine at Presque Isle University of New England University of Southern Maine Maryland Capitol Technology University Frostburg State University Goucher College Hood College Johns Hopkins University Loyola University Maryland Maryland Institute College of Art McDaniel College Notre Dame of Maryland University Salisbury University St. John's College St. Mary's College of Maryland Stevenson University University of Maryland, Baltimore County Washington College Massachusetts Amherst College Anna Maria College Assumption College Babson College Bard College at Simon's Rock- The Early College Bay Path University Becker College Bentley University Boston College Boston University Brandeis University Bridgewater State University Clark University College of the Holy Cross Curry College Dean College Eastern Nazarene College Elms College Emerson College Emmanuel College Framingham State University Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering Hampshire College Harvard College Hellenic College Hult International Business School Lasell College Lesley University Massachusetts College of Art and Design Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS University) Merrimack College Montserrat College of Art Mount Holyoke College Nichols College Northeastern University Pine Manor College Regis College SimmonsUniversity Smith College Springfield College Stonehill College Suffolk University Tufts University University of Massachusetts Amherst University of Massachusetts Boston University of Massachusetts Dartmouth University of Massachusetts Lowell Wellesley College Wentworth Institute of Technology Western New England University Wheaton College Williams College Worcester Polytechnic Institute Michigan Albion College Alma College Calvin College Hillsdale College Hope College Kalamazoo College Kettering University Lawrence Technological University Michigan State University Northwood University Olivet College Spring Arbor University University of Detroit Mercy University of Michigan University of Michigan- Flint Wayne State University Western Michigan University Minnesota Augsburg University Carleton College College of Saint Benedict College of St. Scholastica Concordia College of Moorhead Gustavus Adolphus College Hamline University Macalester College Saint John's University Saint Mary's University of Minnesota St. Catherine University St. Olaf College University of Minnesota Duluth University of Minnesota Morris University of Minnesota Rochester University of Minnesota Twin Cities University of St. Thomas Mississippi Millsaps College Mississippi State University University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) University of Southern Mississippi Missouri Columbia College Drury University Lindenwood University Maryville University of St. Louis Missouri University of Science and Technology Rockhurst University Saint Louis University Southeast Missouri State University St. Louis College of Pharmacy Stephens College Truman State University University of Central Missouri University of Missouri University of Missouri- Kansas City University of Missouri- St. Louis Washington University in St. Louis Webster University Westminster College William Jewell College Montana Carroll College University of Montana University of Providence Nebraska Creighton University Hastings College Nebraska Wesleyan University University of Nebraska- Lincoln Nevada Sierra Nevada College University of Nevada, Las Vegas New Hampshire Colby-Sawyer College Dartmouth College Franklin Pierce University Keene State College New England College New Hampshire Institute of Art Plymouth State University Rivier University Saint Anselm College Southern New Hampshire University University of New Hampshire New Jersey Bloomfield College Caldwell University Centenary University The College of New Jersey College of Saint Elizabeth Drew University Fairleigh Dickinson University Felician University Georgian Court University Kean University Monmouth University New Jersey City University New Jersey Institute of Technology Princeton University Ramapo College of New Jersey Rider University Rowan University Saint Peter's University Seton Hall University Stevens Institute of Technology Stockton University William Paterson University of NJ New Mexico St. John's College Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. New York Adelphi University Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Alfred University The American Musical and Dramatic Academy Bard College Barnard College Canisius College Cazenovia College Clarkson University Colgate University College of Mount Saint Vincent The College of New Rochelle The College of Saint Rose Columbia University Concordia College The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art Cornell University The Culinary Institute of America CUNY Queens College D'Youville College Daemen College Dominican College Elmira College Fordham University Hamilton College Hartwick College Hilbert College Hobart and William Smith Colleges Hofstra University Houghton College Iona College Ithaca College Keuka College Le Moyne College List College- The Jewish Theological Seminary Long Island University Brooklyn Long Island University Post Manhattan College Manhattanville College Marist College Marymount Manhattan College Mercy College Molloy College Mount Saint Mary College Nazareth College The New School New York Institute of Technology New York School of Career Applied Studies of Touro College University System New York University (NYU) Niagara University Pace University Paul Smith's College Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Roberts Wesleyan College Rochester Institute of Technology The Sage Colleges Sarah Lawrence College Siena College Skidmore College St. Bonaventure University St. Francis College St. John Fisher College St. John's University St. Joseph's College- Brooklyn St. Joseph's College- Long Island St. Lawrence University St. Thomas Aquinas College SUNY Alfred State College SUNY Binghamton University SUNY Buffalo State College SUNY Cobleskill SUNY College at Brockport SUNY College at Geneseo SUNY College at Old Westbury SUNY College at Oneonta SUNY College of Environmental Science Forestry SUNY College of Technology at Canton SUNY Cortland SUNY Delhi SUNY Farmingdale State College SUNY Fredonia SUNY Maritime College SUNY Morrisville State College SUNY New Paltz SUNY Oswego SUNY Plattsburgh SUNY Polytechnic Institute SUNY Potsdam SUNY Purchase College SUNY Stony Brook University SUNY University at Albany SUNY University at Buffalo Syracuse University Union College University of Rochester Utica College Vassar College Wagner College Webb Institute Wells College North Carolina Appalachian State University Barton College Catawba College Davidson College Duke University East Carolina University Gardner-Webb University Guilford College High Point University Johnson Wales University- Charlotte Meredith College North Carolina AT State University North Carolina State University Queens University of Charlotte Salem College St. Andrews University University of North Carolina Asheville University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) University of North Carolina at Charlotte University of North Carolina Greensboro University of North Carolina Wilmington Wake Forest University Warren Wilson College North Dakota None Ohio Antioch College Art Academy of Cincinnati Ashland University Baldwin Wallace University Bluffton University Bowling Green State University Capital University Case Western Reserve University CCAD- Columbus College of Art Design Cleveland State University College of Wooster Defiance College Denison University Hiram College John Carroll University Kent State University Kenyon College Lake Erie College Lourdes University Malone University Marietta College Miami University Muskingum University Oberlin College of Arts and Sciences Oberlin Conservatory of Music Ohio Northern University The Ohio State University Ohio University Ohio Wesleyan University Otterbein University Tiffin University University of Akron Main Campus University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati- Blue Ash College University of Cincinnati- Clermont College University of Dayton The University of Findlay University of Mount Union The University of Toledo Urbana University- A Branch Campus of Franklin University Ursuline College Walsh University Wilberforce University Wittenberg University Wright State University Xavier University Oklahoma Oklahoma City University The University of Oklahoma The University of Tulsa Oregon Concordia University George Fox University Lewis Clark College Linfield College Northwest Christian University Oregon State University Pacific University Oregon Reed College University of Oregon University of Portland Warner Pacific University Willamette University Pennsylvania Albright College Allegheny College Alvernia University Arcadia University Bryn Mawr College Bucknell University Cabrini University Cairn University California University of Pennsylvania Carnegie Mellon University Cedar Crest College Chatham University Delaware Valley University DeSales University Dickinson College Drexel University Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Elizabethtown College Franklin Marshall College Gannon University Gettysburg College Harrisburg University of Science and Technology Haverford College Immaculata University Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University) Juniata College Keystone College King's College La Roche University La Salle University Lafayette College Lebanon Valley College Lehigh University Lycoming College Marywood University Mercyhurst University Millersville University Moore College of Art and Design Moravian College Muhlenberg College Neumann University Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) Robert Morris University Rosemont College Saint Francis University Saint Joseph's University Saint Vincent College Seton Hill University Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania Susquehanna University Swarthmore College Temple University Thiel College University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of the Sciences The University of Scranton Ursinus College Villanova University Washington Jefferson College West Chester University of Pennsylvania Westminster College Widener University Wilkes University Wilson College York College of Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Universidad Ana G. Mà ©ndez, Recinto de Carolina Universidad del Sagrado Corazon Rhode Island Brown University Bryant University Johnson Wales University- Providence New England Institute of Technology Providence College Rhode Island College Rhode Island School of Design Roger Williams University Salve Regina University University of Rhode Island South Carolina Columbia College Converse College Furman University Newberry College Presbyterian College Wofford College South Dakota Augustana University Tennessee Belmont University Christian Brothers University Fisk University Lipscomb University Middle Tennessee State University Rhodes College Sewanee: The University of the South Tusculum University The University of Tennessee Knoxville Vanderbilt University Watkins College of Art, Design Film Texas Austin College Baylor University The Culinary Institute of America Rice University Southern Methodist University Southwestern University St. Edward's University Texas Christian University Texas Lutheran University Trinity University University of Dallas University of Houston University of North Texas Utah Westminster College Vermont Bennington College Castleton University Champlain College Goddard College Marlboro College Middlebury College Northern Vermont University Norwich University Saint Michael's College Sterling College University of Vermont Vermont Technical College Virginia Christopher Newport University The College of William Mary Eastern Mennonite University Emory Henry College George Mason University Hampden-Sydney College Hollins University Jefferson College of Health Sciences Mary Baldwin University Marymount University Old Dominion University Radford University Randolph College Randolph-Macon College Roanoke College Sweet Briar College University of Lynchburg University of Mary Washington University of Richmond University of Virginia (UVA) The University of Virginia's College at Wise Virginia Commonwealth University Washington and Lee University Washington The Evergreen State College Gonzaga University Pacific Lutheran University Saint Martin's University Seattle Pacific University Seattle University University of Puget Sound Whitman College Whitworth University West Virginia Bethany College Marshall University West Virginia University West Virginia Wesleyan College Wheeling Jesuit University Wisconsin Beloit College Carroll University Carthage College Concordia University Wisconsin Edgewood College Lawrence University Marquette University Milwaukee School of Engineering Northland College Ripon College St. Norbert College University of Wisconsin- Madison University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point University of Wisconsin- Stout Wyoming University of Wyoming International Common Application Members by Country The following list, organized by country, contains all international Common Application schools. At present, 60 schools outside the USuse the Common Application. Australia Monash University Bulgaria American University in Bulgaria Canada Bishop's University Queen's University, Canada Quest University Canada St. Thomas University, Canada University of Guelph China Duke Kunshan University University of Michigan- Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute France The American University of Paris Germany Bard College Berlin Jacobs University Bremen Hong Kong The University of Hong Kong Ireland Mary Immaculate College Maynooth University University College Dublin University of Limerick Italy The American University of Rome John Cabot University in Rome Japan Doshisha University, The Institute for the Liberal Arts Temple University, Japan Campus Latvia Riga Business School Lebanon American University of Beirut Qatar Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar Northwestern University in Qatar Singapore Yale NUS College South Korea Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Korea Underwood International College, Yonsei University Spain IE University IE University- Madrid Saint Louis University- Madrid Campus Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Switzerland Ecole hà ´telià ¨re de Lausanne (EHL) Franklin University Switzerland United Kingdom Arts University Bournemouth Bath Spa University Bournemouth University Brunel University London Durham University ESCP Europe Business School Newcastle University Regent's University London Richmond, The American International University in London Robert Gordon University St. Mary's University, Twickenham, London University of Aberdeen University of Bristol University of Derby University of East Anglia University of East London University of Glasgow University of Huddersfield University of Lincoln University of Plymouth University of Sheffield University of St. Andrews University of Stirling University of Warwick University of West London University of Worcester What’s Next? The Common Application isn’t the only application you can use to apply to college. Learn about the Universal College Application and what sets it apart. Working on your college essay? Learn what not to dowith our in-depth guide. Trying to decide if you should retake the SAT or ACT? Learn how to develop a target ACT score or SAT score based on the colleges you want to apply to. You can also read about ACT/SAT scores for the Ivy League. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Operations Management 3-6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Operations Management 3-6 - Essay Example Accessibility to customers is the key factor in improving gasoline sales. A tertiary hospital is also a preferred business for this location. The residential areas are near to it, there is no replacement market for this specialized service and healthcare services is a specific need of residents. The following factors of location B: close to major highways, on the major truck route of large transportation companies, not close to any residential neighborhoods and large open area where new development can occur is best suited for a garment processing company and a coffee processing plant. The location of the operations of a garment vital to the efficiency and profitability of company operations. Choice of location determines the productivity of capital investments. Manufacturing facilities have unique locations and there are transport costs to distribution and consumption, hence, production location affects the costs of distribution and consumption. Accessibility of manufacturing facilities of garment processing and coffee processing plant is important as transport costs represent a significant proportion of the costs of production and distribution. Without cost minimization, there will be no profit maximization. Location has a serious impact on a company’s revenues. 2. â€Å"Aggregate planning in manufacturing is easier to accomplish than aggregate planning in services.†For example, aggregate planning for a textile processing plant is easier to implement than for a business process outsourcing company. A textile company is basically a labor intensive business. This means that the company uses large amounts of labor per unit output, and that wages form the largest single cost (50-70 percent of total costs) faced by employers. The cost of labor is therefore the most important locational determinant in the textile industry. The textile industry has been
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